More Information
Address: 42 Waterloo Street, Singapore 187951
7, 14, 16, 36, 77, 107, 111, 124, 131, 147, 166, 167, 174, 175, 190, 502, 518, 652, 656, 660, 663, 665, 857
Bencoolen, Bras Basah and City Hall
Available along Waterloo Street and the neighbouring buildings
As the team behind CITRUS fest, we want to make sure everyone (including the participating arts workers and us!) has a generative and safe experience.
Thus, here are some things we are committing to and also ask of you as a guest at the festival.
Care and well-being is a collective effort, so we appreciate you taking time to read through these notes and contributing to making everyone’s experience at CITRUS fest a zesty and refreshing one!
We welcome and encourage PwDs (persons with disabilities) to attend and participate in CITRUS fest. If you require access service(s) such as Speech-to-Text Interpretation to enable your participation, please email or inform us when registering on Peatix by 17 June 2024 (Monday).
The rooms and spaces on the ground floor are wheelchair accessible but not the Black Box on level 2.
All programmes are free and will be conducted in English. Other audiences might draw on other languages though, do offer/help to translate as needs be!
The information on this site is correct at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Opening & Closing Dinners
We will endeavour to cater to different diets. If you have a specific dietary preference or requirement outside of the type of food that will be prepared, please inform us when registering on Peatix.
DO bring your reusable cutlery, tableware will be provided on our end.
There are no prerequisites to participate - we want to gather a broad group of arts workers from different disciplines, backgrounds and interests to respond to the workshops’ content and discussion.
If a workshop is oversubscribed, the facilitator(s) will look through people’s EOIs (expression-of-interest) and make a selection. This selection will not be based on individual aptitude and ability, but in the spirit of trying to allow for diverse perspectives and experiences in the room.
The very latest we will confirm your participation either way is 19 June 2024 (Wednesday).
We see the various offerings and people involved (again, this includes you, our audience!) in this festival as ongoing works-in-progress, not definitive assertions that XYZ is the only ‘right’ way to care or that person A is the final authority on XYZ.
If anyone at the festival – facilitator, staff or fellow audience – asks you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable OR says/does something that makes you feel unsafe, we hope you are able to take ownership of your safety and well-being.
Even better, we hope you can do so in a way that supports learning for the person(s) involved! This might look like one or more of the following and/or something else altogether (:
Counterproposing alternatives to the request;
Calling your own timeout, e.g. going to the washroom, grabbing a snack at the festival pantry;
Speaking to the person separately, e.g. after the session; and/or
Approaching the CITRUS fest team in-person or over email to ask for support in addressing the situation and/or person(s) involved.
If you would NOT like to be photographed or videoed, we will have red lanyards at the Front-Of-House.
If you want to take photos or videos, please first check if anyone in your frame has a red lanyard on!
For children’s privacy, kindly do NOT take any frontal photos of them, regardless of whether they are wearing a lanyard or not.
We also ask for NO videography of anyone speaking, to minimise people’s words being interpreted out of context.
If you want to reshare a story from someone else in a workshop or panel, to respect confidentiality, we ask that you do not include details that would identify that person and/or other person(s) or organisation(s) in their story.
P.S. We very much welcome in-person or emailed feedback on these commitments or any other aspect of the festival throughout and after CITRUS fest (:
CITRUS fest: Who Cares? is co-presented by the Arts Resource Hub (ARH). Participants are strongly encouraged to sign up as ARH subscribers to enjoy resources like co-working spaces and ARH Connects programmes.
Please subscribe here.