
Gather at 42 Waterloo Street and join us in cooking up care practices across Singapore’s arts ecosystem.

DAY 1 – 28 June, Friday

30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari 30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari

Bye for Now! Recess Time: CITRUS fest


30 June, Sunday
7.00-10.00 PM 
Rear Courtyard

We want to close CITRUS fest in the same spirit as its opening – with lively and self-reflexive conversation over delicious food prepared in sustainable ways. And so once again, we are very pleased to have Practice Tuckshop to host, in a special edition of their ‘Recess Time’ programme!

Combining the art of cooking, making conversations and storytelling into a single encounter, Recess Time by Practice Tuckshop is an "ugly produce" communal dining experience. It is a long-running participatory work that stages a social event, i.e. a meal, as the site for performance and engagement.

"Makan Masters" go on veggie rescue missions to salvage unwanted or ugly produce, and incorporate them into a menu of their choosing. Recess Time conversations are also documented using an auto-ethnographic approach by a floating interviewer, known as the "Kaypoh" (Busybody) Queen/King and recorded inside the Recess Journal, which also contain messages from past chefs, photos and food-waste friendly recipes.

Note: The menu contains no pork, lard, beef and alcohol. Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies at least 7 days before the event. Halal-certified bento boxes can be made available upon request.



A key initiative of The Theatre Practice, Practice Tuckshop has advocated for sustainability in green practices since our inception. Our works push theatrical boundaries, to open up critical conversations on sustainability. As an arts space, we work with our artist-collaborators to incubate new works, and cultivate a space where different communities (and ideas!) can converge.

IG: @practicetuckshop


Ang Xiao Ting (she/her) is a freelance hyphenated theatre practitioner (actor, director, dramaturg, facilitator). She is an Associate Artist with The Theatre Practice (Singapore) and Programmer for Practice Tuckshop. Her practice in Eco-Theatre prioritises the various degrees of an integrated ecological practice, with a focus on Southeast Asian foodways. In 2023, her Eco-Theatre work was featured in

IG: @angxiaoting

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30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari 30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari

Curiosity Circles 


30 June, Sunday
4.30-6.30 PM
Black Box

Is there a particular question you want to ask others, or a topic around care that you’d like to raise and discuss? Or maybe you have a lingering thought from the workshops that you’d like to dive deeper into?  In this session, participants will be supported to form small group discussions around one or more topics of your choice. In previous CITRUS gatherings, people have led somatic exercises, annotation exercises, as well as suggested younger practitioner circles and raised ideas around fight and intimacy choreography collaborations.



Chong Gua Khee (she/her) is a director, dramaturg and facilitator who wants to create art that is as 'shiok' as possible for herself, the team, audiences and the environment. She sees the work of CITRUS practices as deeply crucial to finding the 'shiok' in artmaking for everyone involved, and is excited to collectively dream up more playful and sustainable ways of caring for each other. 

IG: @togentlerdays

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30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari 30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari

it’s not worth talking about?


30 June, Sunday
3:00-4:00 PM
Black Box

I’m happiest when someone buys me kopi o kosong peng during early morning calls but the people who do that will never think much of it. It’s just instinctual for them, it’s not something they feel is worth talking about.

For CITRUS fest, The Backstage Affair attempts to compile some voices of backstage practitioners as they talk about their ideas of care. Honestly, the thing about our arts industry is that those who really care don’t usually want to be involved in all these gatherings and dialogues. How shall we proceed then? We have no answers, just an invitation to come and sit and find your own nook in the space to listen to all these voices. And then let’s see what happens from there…

Featuring the voices of Bobbie Ng, Carolene Ruth Liew, Chan Silei, Cheralynn Yeo, Dot, Edith Podesta, Evelyn Chia, Faith Liu Yong Huay, Goh Shou Yi, Isis Koh, Izz, Jiong, Joel Tan, Julian Wong, Lam Dan Fong, Lim Zhiying, M. Nurfadhli Jasni, Neo Kim Seng, Saffa’ Afiqah, Sandra Tay, Shridar Mani, Sim Yan Ying, Suraya Ab Rashid, Wann Nurul Asyiqin and Yingzhi.



We are from The Backstage Affair (BA). We came together with a question on how to make a career in the backstage scene more sustainable. We are invested in shaping the professional and personal development of backstage management professionals and believe in the importance of community and collaboration in creating this better tomorrow.

IG: @thebackstageaffair

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30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari 30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari

Care as Action in Image-Making


30 June, Sunday
12:30-2:30 PM
Black Box 

*Free with Expression-of-Interest by 7 June
12 spaces available

In today’s oculocentric world, how do we actually read a photograph? In this workshop, Chelsea Chua and Nurul Huda Rashid delve into the importance of the photograph as a tool of communication across various media. In the arts, photographs are used and reproduced in marketing and publicity channels in advertisements, media reportage, policy documents and resources in curriculums. On social media, we also see behind-the-scenes images from rehearsal spaces, artist studios and work-in-progress presentations.

How can we approach the creation and circulation of such images through a lens of care? Through a discursive process, participants will collectively unpack select case studies and simultaneously create a resource on how to care better in working with images in the arts. 

Note: Participants of this workshop will have to bring one image of their own. This can be a headshot or one that has been used recently for an artistic work.



Chelsea Chua (she/her) is a cultural worker who frequently works with artists, photographers, curators and filmmakers across Southeast Asia to develop projects such as exhibitions, talks and mentorships. She is Programme Director at Objectifs, a visual arts centre focused on photography and film.

IG: @iamchelseachua 

Photo credit: Joe Nair


Nurul Huda Rashid (she/her) is a researcher-writer whose research focuses on images, visual and sentient bodies, feminisms, and the intersections between them. These have been articulated through visual projects, workshops, and programmes with various art and cultural institutions. She loves smelling old books and hopes to adopt a cat someday. 

IG: @nurulh_rashid

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DAY 2– 29 June, Saturday