
Gather at 42 Waterloo Street and join us in cooking up care practices across Singapore’s arts ecosystem.

DAY 1 – 28 June, Friday

30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari 30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari

Curiosity Circles 


30 June, Sunday
4.30-6.30 PM
Black Box

Is there a particular question you want to ask others, or a topic around care that you’d like to raise and discuss? Or maybe you have a lingering thought from the workshops that you’d like to dive deeper into?  In this session, participants will be supported to form small group discussions around one or more topics of your choice. In previous CITRUS gatherings, people have led somatic exercises, annotation exercises, as well as suggested younger practitioner circles and raised ideas around fight and intimacy choreography collaborations.



Chong Gua Khee (she/her) is a director, dramaturg and facilitator who wants to create art that is as 'shiok' as possible for herself, the team, audiences and the environment. She sees the work of CITRUS practices as deeply crucial to finding the 'shiok' in artmaking for everyone involved, and is excited to collectively dream up more playful and sustainable ways of caring for each other. 

IG: @togentlerdays

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30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari 30 JUNE Izyanti Asaari

it’s not worth talking about?


30 June, Sunday
3:00-4:00 PM
Black Box

I’m happiest when someone buys me kopi o kosong peng during early morning calls but the people who do that will never think much of it. It’s just instinctual for them, it’s not something they feel is worth talking about.

For CITRUS fest, The Backstage Affair attempts to compile some voices of backstage practitioners as they talk about their ideas of care. Honestly, the thing about our arts industry is that those who really care don’t usually want to be involved in all these gatherings and dialogues. How shall we proceed then? We have no answers, just an invitation to come and sit and find your own nook in the space to listen to all these voices. And then let’s see what happens from there…

Featuring the voices of Bobbie Ng, Carolene Ruth Liew, Chan Silei, Cheralynn Yeo, Dot, Edith Podesta, Evelyn Chia, Faith Liu Yong Huay, Goh Shou Yi, Isis Koh, Izz, Jiong, Joel Tan, Julian Wong, Lam Dan Fong, Lim Zhiying, M. Nurfadhli Jasni, Neo Kim Seng, Saffa’ Afiqah, Sandra Tay, Shridar Mani, Sim Yan Ying, Suraya Ab Rashid, Wann Nurul Asyiqin and Yingzhi.



We are from The Backstage Affair (BA). We came together with a question on how to make a career in the backstage scene more sustainable. We are invested in shaping the professional and personal development of backstage management professionals and believe in the importance of community and collaboration in creating this better tomorrow.

IG: @thebackstageaffair

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29 JUNE Izyanti Asaari 29 JUNE Izyanti Asaari

The Artist Is Apparent – dialogue on parenting and caregiving


29 June, Saturday
Black Box


How have we made it work? How have arts workers in Singapore made decisions and created structures of support for parenting in our workplace? This conversation focuses on informal and formal strategies and hacks that have made it more possible for parenting (and caregiving) arts workers to maintain or grow aspects of their practice, including but not limited to creative work, residencies, networking and touring. The dialogue will start with sharing from interviews and research conducted by Faye Lim and arts researcher Dr. Hoe Su-Fern. Thereafter, invited panellists will kick off a broader conversation with audiences. 


  • Julie Wee, Checkpoint Theatre (Actress and Voiceover Artist)

  • Michele Lim (Independent Producer, Arts Management Consultant and Educator)

  • Dr. Natalie Alexandra Tse, SAtheCollective & LittleCreatures®️ (Performer, Educator and Researcher) / @sathecollective, @hellolittlecreatures


  • Dr. Nidya Shanthini Manokara (Dance and Theatre Practitioner-Researcher, Educator, Performer and Dramaturg)


  • Hasyimah Harith and Norhaizad Adam

  • Saiful Amri

  • Titisa Jeamsakul (Ice)

This dialogue is part of The Artist Is Apparent, a project that welcomes artists, producers and arts workers to consider support structures for parenting /caregiving artists and arts workers in Singapore. It was first conceptualised by a few local parenting artists and is currently run by Faye Lim.

Three interviews were conducted with local parenting artists as part of the project. They complement existing interviews with parenting artists in Singapore. This offers supportive possibilities for parenting artists and a network of peers to reference from one another.

Note: Speech-to-text interpretation (by Equal Dreams) and child minding services will be provided for this programme.



Faye Lim (she/her) is a dance and teaching artist, with a background in research, training and sexuality education. As co-director of Rolypoly Family, she produces body-based art, programmes and body safety education, and leads the team’s training, professional development and consulting projects. Her advocacy work includes expanding on care practices in the arts through CITRUS practices and safeguarding children’s rights to safety, health, education and joy. 

IG: @fayeminlim


Dr Hoe Su-Fern (she/her) is an arts researcher and educator. She specialises in the engaged and ecological analysis of cultural policy, comprising three strands. The first focuses on the impact of cultural governance on the conditions of creative labour. The second is cultural value-based, and looks at how the arts shape urban and community development. The third is concerned with policy from below, particularly mutual aid, care and solidarity.

IG: @sfhoe_

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DAY 2– 29 June, Saturday